Cultural and Entertainment

TsingLaw has rich experience in the field of cultural and entertainment, and is trusted by the head enterprises and front-line practitioners in the cultural and entertainment industry. It can not only provide whole-process legal services for the development, production, investment and financing, marketing, publicity and distribution and derivative development of cultural recreation content such as movies, TV dramas, online blockbusters, online dramas, variety shows, musical theaters, stage plays, etc., but also provide comprehensive legal services in the fields of artist brokerage, brand licensing, image protection and dispute resolution with TsingLaw’s leading professional advantages in the fields of Internet, advertising and public relations as well as dispute resolution.

[Competitive Fields]

Legal Counsel of Cultural and Entertainment Project / Enterprises: Provide whole-process legal services for the development, production, investment and financing, marketing, publicity and distribution, derivative development, etc. of various cultural and entertainment projects, and provide legal support for the daily operation of cultural and entertainment enterprises.

Legal Counsel for Employees of Cultural and Entertainment Industry: Provide legal support for the business operation and development of actors, directors, screenwriters, writers, singers and other employees of cultural and entertainment industry, so as to prevent legal risks.

Legal Services for Safeguarding Rights: Provide legal services such as infringement investigation, evidence preservation, notice to delete infringing information, rights protection litigation, etc. for enterprises and employees of cultural and entertainment industry to safeguard their intellectual property rights, reputation rights, portrait rights and privacy rights.

Legal Support for Crisis Public Relations: Provide legal analysis and evaluation of incidents for clients involved in sudden and urgent public opinion, assist clients in formulating public relations coping strategies, initiate emergency investigation, evidence preservation and other measures, and cooperate with taking follow-up legal actions.

Advertising Endorsement Compliance: Provide compliance audit and risk assessment services for advertising endorsement business of celebrities such as actors and singers in terms of advertising products, endorsement methods and advertising content.